Vendor due diligence in relation to Credo Partner's sale of Konstel Holding AS

Deal typeTransaction Services
Client nameKonstel Holding AS


BDO acted as sell-side financial due diligence advisor in relation to Credo Partner's sale of Konstel group. 

Konstel is a Norwegian electrical installations group comprising 25 local el installation companies. Since Credo Partners acquired the majority of the former Elscoop group, Konstel has grown from revenues of NOKbn 0.4 to 1.6. 

The acquisition allows Nimlas to enter the Norwegian market. Nimlas CEO Mikael Matts, was cited saying that the deal will give Nimlas a good foundation for further acquisitions in Norway which follows the Nimlas’ strategy. Nimlas will have a turnover of SEKbn 6b (EURm 549) after the deal.

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