Acquisition of Klinkby Enge by Position Green

Deal typeTransaction Services
IndustryProfessional Services
Client namePostion Green


BDO has provided buy-side financial due diligence in relation to Position Green's acquisition of Klinkby Enge.

Position Green is a Nordic leader in sustainability software and advisory. Their ESG offerings combine data-driven software with specialised advisory services, e-learning and executive training and helping clients accelerate their ESG transition.

The acquisition is a great fit for Position Green (and Norvestor's portfolio) as Klinkby Enge are specialised within ESG due diligence of privately owned companies.

Norvestor is a Norwegian private equity fund that has partnered with Nordic businesses for nearly three decades. Typical investment targets are companies that provides services where digitisation or available technology can be used to make sustainable efficiency gains.

For further information, please contact us.