Legal Procedures and Settlement of Disputes

Legal Procedures and Settlement of Disputes

BDO regularly assists our clients with solving contractual disputes and disagreements through negotiation and mediation. When we are advising and assisting clients in conflicts and disputes, our objective is always to find a solution that will both resolve the issues at hand, but also one that takes the future relationships into consideration.

Where no mutual agreements or solutions can be reached bringing the case in from of the courts or arbitration may be both required and advisable. Our lawyers regularly argue cases before the courts for our clients where that is required.

Typical assignments where we assist are:

  • Argue cases before the ordinary courts at all levels and for the court of arbitration
  • Argue cases involving injunctions or arrest
  • Court-brokered mediation
  • Other mediation outside the courts and alternative conflict settlement procedures


Hanne Fritzsønn, BDO

Hanne Fritzsønn

Equity Partner Legal
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