Project Management

Project Management in the Seafood Industry

All companies carry out large and small development projects. A common denominator for well-executed projects is good project management. Good project management is essential for profitable growth and already starts when assessing which projects to count on and which tasks to undertake.

A project where you do not have the capacity or expertise will hardly be a profitable project. Furthermore, the operational follow-up of the project is important. Good project management is essentially about being at the forefront, so that you can make good decisions when challenges arise.

Arrangement and implementation of development projects

Our advisers have good experience-based knowledge adapted to practice in project management and will be able to be a good sparring partner on the way to a good project implementation. We are not a team leader, but rather a fellow player who, together with you, works towards the goal of becoming even better. Our industry knowledge means that we contribute not only in project management, but also in professional development.

Together, we can help to check off the many checkpoints in a development project:
  • Project development and search for partners
  • Project management and implementation
  • Project planning - strategy and process
  • Finance - budget management, reporting and follow-up
  • Process management
  • License applications and authority-related processes (planning, coastal zone plans, emission permits, etc.)
  • Applications for co-financing (incl. Tax discovery)
  • Conclusion and evaluation
Using our tools and methodology, we work together with you as a unit to drive development through good project management.


Morten Andersen, BDO

Morten Andersen

Senior Manager Consulting
View bio
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