Not for Profit

Non-Profit and Altruistic Organisations

Norway is a country with a strong community and voluntary spirit, from which the country’s many non-profit organisations greatly benefit. Such organisations are dependent on donations, member subscriptions and government grants. They can also supplement their income by selling products or services.

Charitable and non-profit organisations are a diverse and complex group with a significant need for efficient management and control. Most have to comply with special tax regulations. Legislation in this area is often highly complex, which increases the need for specialist knowledge.

BDO’s experts have extensive experience of the type of accounting and reporting issues that often arise in connection with grants under various support schemes. We start by examining the organisation’s needs before assembling a bespoke and experienced team that works closely with you as client.


Erik H. Lie, BDO

Erik H. Lie

Equity Partner Auditor
View bio
Morten Thuve, BDO

Morten Thuve

Equity Partner Consulting
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Cathrine Sæther Karlsen, BDO

Cathrine Sæther Karlsen

Equity Partner Auditor
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