Renewable Energy

BDO can Assist the Renewable Energy Sector

The energy sector will face many changes in the coming years, with the need to adapt ever-present. These changes will be driven by major investment needs, digitalisation, changes in regulations and heightened efficiency requirements.

The introduction of the Elhub system, new supplier-centric models and corporate and functional differentiation will involve major organisational changes that will impact work processes, expertise and resource requirements. At the same time digitalisation will require businesses to adapt to changing competitive landscapes and to modify operations and maintenance processes, customer communication, security and emergency response planning, and branding. Together with persistently low power prices and public owners’ needs for predictable distributions, the above factors will present significant challenges for many companies.

BDO’s specialists have extensive and varied experience of assisting Norwegian energy companies, both as an auditor and as an advisor. This gives us a unique proximity to our clients and their local conditions. Our expert resources are distributed across our offices so we can optimally serve your needs. We use our expertise to assist our energy clients in all business areas:
  • Hydro- and wind power
  • District heating and small-scale power
  • Network activities
  • Fibre and telecommunications


Morten Thuve, BDO

Morten Thuve

Equity Partner Consulting
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