Consumer Business


The trading sector is expanding rapidly with its various segments developing in slightly different ways. Participants in an increasingly international market are being compelled to adapt to new surroundings. In order to achieve success in today’s market, you must be willing to change and, not least, willing to think innovatively.

Participants in this sector need to have excellent insights operationally as well as financially. A considerable number of factors will influence clients in the years ahead. All those operating within this sector will have to deal with digitalisation, new distribution channels, changing patterns of consumption, new regulations, globalisation and consolidations.

BDO’s sectoral team follows the market closely and can therefore help clients to keep up with the pace of change in the various sectors and segments. Our sectoral knowledge enables us to offer our clients efficient and focused audit and consultancy services. Our sectoral team therefore makes continuous efforts to raise levels of in-house expertise and specialisation in order that we can be a proactive partner best qualified to assist our clients.


Roger Telle-Hansen, BDO

Roger Telle-Hansen

Equity Partner Auditor
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